Carers Rights Day logo

Carers Rights Day takes place on Friday, 28th November.

It is held each year by Carers UK, to bring organisations across the UK together to help carers in their local community know their rights and find out how to get the help and support they are entitled to.

This year’s theme is Looking after someone? Know your rights and will focus on:

  • Making carers aware of their rights. Every year, more than 2 million people become carers. Many struggle to navigate the maze of services and entitlements, and miss out on financial and practical support. And it’s not just people who are new to caring – even those who have been caring for years sometimes aren’t aware of their entitlements.
  • Letting carers know where to get help and support. Caring can present all kinds of challenges. We want every carer to know where to turn for advice, information and support, whether in their local community or online.
  • Raising awareness of the needs of carers. Carers Rights Day raises awareness of the needs of carers with the public, decision makers and professionals, helping us realise our vision of a society that respects, values and supports carers.

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