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Scottish Borders Rape Crisis Centre (SBRCC) is  recruiting for Volunteer Support Workers and Trustees.  It is looking for women who:

  • have some awareness of, or interest in the issues around sexual violence
  • are able to commit time and energy to volunteering with SBRCC.

What volunteering involves:

Support Worker Opportunities
We are looking for female volunteer support workers to provide support and information to all women and girls aged 12 and over who have experienced rape and other forms of sexual violence. We provide initial induction training covering issues such as impact and nature of sexual violence, self-harm, suicide and adult and child protection and police and legal procedures. If you are a woman aged 18 and over and are interested in directly supporting survivors we would like to hear from you. See attached for more information.

Closing date for volunteer support worker applications: 30th October

Trustee Opportunities
Trustees have responsibility for the governance and strategic direction of the SBRCC. If you are a woman over 16 from any background and from anywhere in the Scottish Borders, would like to work with and for other women, and can spare a few hours a month, why not apply? Meetings usually take place in Kelso and our office is in Galashiels. You don’t need previous trustee experience: if you are appointed you will receive induction, training and have initial support from a more experienced trustee. See attached for more information.

Closing date for trustee applications: 9th October

We are particularly keen to hear from women who are under-represented on our Board and within our support service, particularly younger women, BME women and Trans women.
If you are interested in either opportunity please call 01896 661070 or e-mail info@sbrcc.org.uk to request an application pack.



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