There are still places available on the following Borders Care Learning Network (BCLN) FREE training courses during May.

Mental health awareness
Tuesday 6th May, 1pm–3.30pm, Tower Mill, Hawick

“Tell me” easy read training 
Monday 12th May, 1pm–4pm, Selkirk Rugby Club
Reflective practice
Wednesday 14th May, 1pm–4pm, Langlee Community Centre, Galashiels

“Tell me” easy read training 
 Thursday 15th May, 1pm–4pm, The Hive, Galashiels
Autism awareness
Wednesday 21st May, 9.15am–4.30pm, Tweed Horizons, Newtown St Boswells

Object handling
Wednesday 21st May, 9.30am–12.30pm, The Hive, Galashiels

Emotion and motivation
Wednesday 28th May, 9.30am–4.30pm, Langlee Community Centre, Galashiels

Find out more 

Download a booking form



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