Borders Voluntary Care Voice represents its members and the health and social care third sector on a number of planning and strategy groups in the Borders.
They include:

  • Shadow Integration Board (replaces the Community Health and Care Partnership, CHCP)
  • Strategic Planning Group (health and social care integration)
  • Dementia Strategy Planning Group
  • Adult Protection Committee
  • Connected Care Board
  • Borders Older Person’s Planning Partnership
    (contact Jenny Miller for information on the above)
  • Joint Physical Disability Strategy Group
  • See Hear Working Group (sensory services)
  • Self-directed Support Project Board
    (contact Kathleen Travers for details of the above)

The local Communications Group, which feeds into the Welfare Reform Project is being reformed and will update the Communications Plan. Kathleen from Borders Voluntary Care Voice is included on the Communications Group, which will initially be focusing on the roll out of Universal Credit.

Find out about our user and carer groups.