The third Carers Parliament will be held on 8 October 2014, at The Hub, Castlehill, Edinburgh.

Carers who would like to attend should complete an online form to be entered into a ballot for places. There will be two delegates from each of the 73 Scottish Parliamentary constituencies.

The ballot, conducted by carers on the Steering Group, will be held in late July 2014 and carers will be informed of the result in early August.

A small number of additional places have been reserved for carers who are contributing to the programme, for example as members of the steering group or speakers and to ensure minority groups and young carers are represented.

Some funding is available to support carers to attend. This will include travel and subsistence and, if required, replacement care costs.

This event is open to carers and former carers only. This means people who provide unpaid care to family members, other relatives, partners, friends and neighbours of any age affected by physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or substance misuse.




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