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The National Involvement Network (NIN) and ARC Scotland are organising a workshop, for people who get support, about the new national health and social care standards.

It will take place on Thursday 15th December, from 10am-12.30pm, at the Transport Interchange in Galashiels.

NIN is the National Involvement Network, a group of people with learning disabilities who share ideas and experiences of involvement. For more information contact Paddy Carstairs or complete and return the booking form.

Following on from the consultation of the National Care Standards in 2014, the next phase of the National Care Standards Review is to develop a set of Standards linked to the overarching Principles which were approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport in February 2016.

The Scottish Government is looking for views on the specific questions it has asked in the consultation paper. The purpose of the consultation is to gather information from those with an interest in health and social care and to use the responses in the development of the specific and general standards.

Find out more and read the consultation paper here.

Download the easy read version of the consultation paper.





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