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Momentum Scotland has received funding from the Big Lottery for Momentum Skills Money Matters. This is a four year project that aims to improve the financial literacy, money management skills and access to financial opportunities and benefits for people with a brain injury living in the Scottish Borders.

A total of 480 people will be supported over the four years.

The project will have an early intervention approach, geared towards maximising income and preventing debt. There will be a strong emphasis on education attained through workshops and one to one sessions.

The idea is to ensure that beneficiaries understand the impact of welfare reforms and can manage their Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payment.

The project will also support participants to understand the financial implications of each of the four Self-directed Support options relating to the personalisation of care services introduced under the Scottish Government’s 2012 Social Care Bill.

Momentum Scotland will recruit three new posts:

  • A qualified Benefits Adviser will assess individual needs and signpost clients to relevant services.
  • A Financial Capability Tutor will train people in budgeting techniques and signpost them to a range of available support routes and benefits.
  • A Self Directed Support Officer will work with participants to build confidence and knowledge in making appropriate choices regarding the care service self-directed options.

A key aspect of the initiative will be to bring the ability to provide financial education and support with benefits in-house where it can be combined with the organisation’s understanding of the impact that brain injury has on comprehension, retention and general ability.

For more information, contact Harry Wood on 01896 754517 or e-mail



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