Below is the latest information from Scottish Borders Council about charges for social work servics (April 2014)

Please find below an update on what progress has been made in relation to the charging issues we have discussed recently.

  • The Charging Policy has been reviewed and updated and is now publicised on the Scottish Borders Council website.
  • A full Equality Impact Assessment using new EIA guidelines and format is scheduled and will also be publicised on the website.
  • Changes to annual financial assessment and invoicing have been discussed and are being implemented for financial year 2014-2015 in order to improve the change over from one financial year to the next and prevent individual’s being presented with large backdated bills.
  • The charging policy will again be reviewed, updated and equality impact assessed early next financial year following new guidance just released from COSLA for 2014/15.
  • An internal audit of charging processes has taken place and a working group has been established to look at improving those processes and to instigating the recommendations of the audit.
  •  Agreement has been made to fund a post to review all elements of charging including the policy, the services currently charged for, charging processes and communication in order to make impovements. Service user views will be represented on a review group which will be set up.
  • A frequently asked questions sheet is available, which will help to improve communication.