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The consultation on Scottish Borders Council’s Social Work Charging Policy has been extended until 30th August.

The council has a responsibility to charge people for certain social work services and it therefore has a policy to support this.

The current Social Work Charging Policy was introduced in 2010 and has been updated since then, most recently in 2013 in line with national guidance. However, over the last few years there hasĀ been changes to services and, as a result, the council has recognised the need to completely review the policy.

The aim is to introduce a new policy that will be fair, easy to understand and to provide a system to ensure payments can be made easily. There is also a need for the council to make sure it can continue to generate a fair level of income which will allow for services to continue to be provided.

The policy review is being developed in partnership with service users, carers, and partner organisations such as NHS Borders and the Third Sector.




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