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An event in Galashiels next month aims to bring together two generations of people living with sight loss.

haggeyeIt is being organised by Haggeye and RNIB, for people aged 18-30 or 55 plus and will take place on Saturday, 23rd August, from 10.30am-3.30pm.

The event will be based on the themes of technology, health and culture. Those going along can learn something new, such as using I-pads, and how to campaign and get their voices heard.

There is no cost to attend. Lunch and refreshments will be provided free of charge. Venue to be confirmed.

Volunteers will be at the bus station to assist with travel to and from the venue, Langlee Community Centre. A mini-bus or taxi service will also be available to collect participants from surrounding villages and areas.

You don’t need to be an RNIB member to attend.

For more information or to book a place, contact the Caroline Macleod on 0131 652 3168 or email caroline.macleod@rnib.org.uk.



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