Photo of Siobhan McMahon

A consultation on the abolition of non-residential social care charges was launched by MSP Siobhan McMahon at the Scottish Parliament and will be open until Friday 30th January 2016.

Ms McMahon believes that non-residential social care is an equality and human rights issue and, therefore, should be free at the point of delivery.

She also believes that the current system is unfair, because charging procedures for these care services differ considerably between local authorities.

The MSP said: “By carrying out this consultation I hope to encourage debate on the system of social care charging in Scotland and find out the public’s views on the issue.

“For those people who use it, social care is an example of the essential practical assistance and support needed to participate in society and lead an ordinary life. Enabling disabled people to participate in the economic, social, cultural and civic life of the community not only allows them the freedom to exercise their human rights, but also benefits society as a whole.”



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